Reading and writing graphs

Saving using custom LG format.

Graphs may be written to I/O streams and files using the savegraph function, and they can be read with the loadgraph function. The default graph format is a bespoke compressed format called LG, defined by Graphs.jl.


g = erdos_renyi(5, 0.2)

savegraph("mygraph.lgz", g)
reloaded_g = loadgraph("mygraph.lgz")

In addition, graphs can also be saved in an uncompressed format using the compress=false option.

savegraph("mygraph.lg", g, compress=false)

reloaded_g = loadgraph("mygraph.lg")

Finally, dictionaries of graphs can also be saved and subsequently re-loaded one by one.

graph_dict = {"g1" => erdos_renyi(5, 0.1),
              "g2" => erdos_renyi(10, 0.2),
              "g3" => erdos_renyi(2, 0.9)}

savegraph("mygraph_dict.lg", graph_dict)

# Re-load only graph g1
reloaded_g1 = loadgraph("mygraph_dict.lg", "g1")

GraphIO for other formats

The GraphIO.jl library provides tools for importing and exporting graph objects using common file types like edgelists, GraphML, Pajek NET, and more.