Min-cost flow
— Functionfunction mincost_flow(g::AbstractGraph,
edge_demand::Union{Nothing,AbstractMatrix} = nothing,
source_nodes = (),
sink_nodes = ()
Find a flow over a directed graph g
satisfying the node_demand
at each node and edge_capacity
constraints for each edge while minimizing dot(edge_cost, flow)
Returns a sparse flow matrix, flow[i,j] corresponds to the flow on the (i,j) arc.
is a directedGraphs.AbstractGraph
is a vector of nodal demand values, which should be negative for sources, positive for sink nodes, and zero for all other nodes.
sets an upper bound on the flow of each arc.edge_cost::AbstractMatrix
the cost per unit of flow on each arc.optimizer
is an optimizer constructor, likeClp.Optimizer
or() -> Clp.Optimizer()
passed at the construction of theJuMP.Model
Keyword arguments
: require a minimum flow for edges, or nothing.source_nodes
Collection of sources at which the nodal netflow is allowed to be greater than nodal demand, defaults to an empty tuple.sink_nodes
Collection of sinks at which the nodal netflow is allowed to be less than nodal demand, defaults to an empty tuple.
& sink_nodes
are only needed when nodal flow are not explictly set in node_demand
Usage Example:
julia> import Graphs
julia> using GraphsFlows: mincost_flow
julia> import Clp # use your favorite LP solver here
julia> using SparseArrays: spzeros
julia> g = Graphs.DiGraph(6) # Create a flow-graph
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 5, 1)
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 5, 2)
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 3, 6)
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 4, 6)
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 1, 3)
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 1, 4)
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 2, 3)
julia> Graphs.add_edge!(g, 2, 4)
julia> cost = zeros(6,6)
julia> cost[1,3] = 10
julia> cost[1,4] = 5
julia> cost[2,3] = 2
julia> cost[2,4] = 2
julia> demand = spzeros(6)
julia> demand[5] = -2
julia> demand[6] = 2
julia> capacity = ones(6,6)
julia> flow = mincost_flow(g, demand, capacity, cost, Clp.Optimizer)