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MultilayerGraphs.jl is a Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of the structure, dynamics and functions of multilayer graphs.
π Overview
A multilayer graph is a graph consisting of multiple standard subgraphs called layers which can be interconnected through bipartite graphs called interlayers composed of the vertex sets of two different layers and the edges between them. The vertices in each layer represent a single set of nodes, although not all nodes have to be represented in every layer.
Formally, a multilayer graph can be defined as a triple $G=(V,E,L)$, where:
is the set of vertices;\[E\]
is the set of edges, pairs of nodes $(u, v)$ representing a connection, relationship or interaction between the nodes $u$ and $v$;\[L\]
is a set of layers, which are subsets of $V$ and $E$ encoding the nodes and edges within each layer.
Each layer $\ell$ in $L$ is a tuple $(V_\ell, E_\ell)$, where $V_\ell$ is a subset of $V$ that represents the vertices within that layer, and $E_\ell$ is a subset of $E$ that represents the edges within that layer.
Multiple theoretical frameworks have been proposed to formally subsume all instances of multilayer graphs [1].
Multilayer graphs have been adopted to model the structure and dynamics of a wide spectrum of high-dimensional, non-linear, multi-scale, time-dependent complex systems including physical, chemical, biological, neuronal, socio-technical, epidemiological, ecological and economic networks [2].
MultilayerGraphs.jl is an integral part of the JuliaGraphs ecosystem extending Graphs.jl so all the methods and metrics exported by Graphs.jl work for multilayer graphs, but due to the special nature of multilayer graphs the package features a peculiar implementation that maps a standard integer-labelled vertex representation to a more user-friendly framework exporting all the objects an experienced practitioner would expect such as nodes (Node
), vertices (MultilayerVertex
), layers (Layer
), interlayers (Interlayer
), etc.
A multilayer graph is composed of layers, i.e. graphs whose vertices represent the same set of nodes (not all nodes need to be represented in every layer), and interlayers, i.e. the bipartite graphs that connect vertices in two different layers. Vertices in a multilayer graph are represented using the MultilayerVertex
struct, while nodes are represented using the Node
and MultilayerDiGraph
are fully-fledged Graphs.jl extensions. Both structs are designed to allow for layers and interlayers of any type (as long as they are Graphs.jl extensions themselves) and to permit layers and interlayers of different types. However, it is required that all layers and interlayers in MultilayerGraph
are undirected, and all layers and interlayers in MultilayerDiGraph
are directed.
and MultilayerDiGraph
support the specification of vertex and edge metadata, provided that the underlying layer or interlayer also supports metadata.
The documentation is organized as follows: you will find a comprehensive Tutorial below, complemented by an API page. The API page is organized in two sections: the End-User section lists all the methods intended for the user who does not need to write code that is also compatible with other libraries in the Graphs.jl's ecosystem, while the Developer section contains methods that allow MultilayerGraphs.jl to be used as any package that extend Graphs.jl . Bot section are further stratified by topic. The tutorial below will be focused on the end-used experience, as developer methods often have very similar signature and will be better addressed in a future developer-oriented guide, should the community manifest the need of it.
π° Installation
To install the latest stable release of MultilayerGraphs.jl, make sure you have installed Julia v1.8 or later and run the following command:
using Pkg
The development version can be installed as follows:
using Pkg
π Tutorial
Here we illustrate how to define, handle and analyse a MultilayerGraph
(the directed version is completely analogous).
# Install necessary tutorial dependencies
using Pkg
Pkg.add(["Revise", "Distributions", "Graphs", "SimpleValueGraphs",
"LoggingExtras", "StatsBase", "SimpleWeightedGraphs",
"MetaGraphs", "Agents", "MultilayerGraphs"])
# Import necessary tutorial dependencies
using Revise
using StatsBase, Distributions
using Graphs, SimpleWeightedGraphs, MetaGraphs, SimpleValueGraphs
using MultilayerGraphs
Define some constants that will prove useful later in the tutorial:
# Set the minimum and maximum number of nodes_list and edges for random graphs
const vertextype = Int64
const _weighttype = Float64
const min_vertices = 5
const max_vertices = 7
const n_nodes = max_vertices
Next we define the list of immutable objects that are represented (through vertices, see below) in the various layers and interlayers of a multilayer graph. These objects are called Node
s. The constructor for a Node
Where id
is a String
that is the name of what the Node
stands for (could be cities in a transportation network, users in a social network, etc.). Let's construct a list of Node
s to use in the remainder of the tutorial:
# The constructor for nodes (which are immutable) only requires a name (`id`) for the node
const nodes_list = [Node("node_$i") for i in 1:n_nodes]
7-element Vector{Node}:
You may access (but not modify) the id
of a Node
via the id
function. Node
s are represented throughout layers and interlayers via a struct named MultilayerVertex
. It has several convenience constructors, the most complete of them reads:
node::Node, # The Node that the vertex will represent
layer::Union{Nothing,Symbol}, # The layer which the `Node` will be represented in. Should be set to `nothing` when constructing layers.
metadata::Union{<:NamedTuple,<:Tuple} # The metadata associated to this vertex
Let's construct a list of MultilayerVertex
s to use in the remainder of the tutorial:
## Convert nodes to multilayer vertices without metadata
const multilayervertices = MV.(nodes_list)
## Convert nodes multilayer vertices with metadata
const multilayervertices_meta = [MV(node, ("I'm node $(",)) for node in nodes_list] # `MV` is an alias for `MultilayerVertex`
7-element Vector{MultilayerVertex{nothing}}:
MV(Node("node_1"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_1",))
MV(Node("node_2"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_2",))
MV(Node("node_3"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_3",))
MV(Node("node_4"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_4",))
MV(Node("node_5"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_5",))
MV(Node("node_6"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_6",))
MV(Node("node_7"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_7",))
This conversion from Node
s to MultilayerVertex
s is performed since it is logical to add vertices to a graph, not nodes, and also for consistency reasons with the ecosystem. Regarding layers, adding/removing nodes or vertices allows for selecting the most comfortable interface. A similar mechanism is implemented for edges (see below).
Printing a MultilayerVertex
MV(Node("node_1"), :nothing, ("I'm node node_1",))
Where MV
is an alias for MultilayerVertex
. The first field is the Node
being represented (accessible via the node
function), the second the (name of) the layer the vertex is represented in (accessible via the layer
function, here it is set to nothing
, since these vertices are yet to be assigned), and the metadata associated to the vertex (accessible via the metadata
function, no metadata are currently represented via an empty NamedTuple
). MultilayerVertex
metadata can be represented via a Tuple
or a NamedTuple
(see below for examples). For a complete list of methods applicable to MultilayerVertices
, please refer to the Vertices of the API.
As said before, to define a multilayer graph we need to specify its layers and interlayers. Layers and the individual graphs that make up multilayer graphs. We proceed by constructing a Layer
using the constructor that randomly specifies the edges:
name::Symbol, # The name of the layer
vertices::Union{Vector{MultilayerVertex{nothing}},Vector{Node}}, # The `MultilayerVertex`s of the Layer. May be a vector of `MultilayerVertex{nothing}`s or a vector of `Node`s. In the latter case, the metadata of the `MultilayerVertex` to be added are computed via the `default_vertex_metadata` before the vertex is added (the function will act on each element of `MV.(vertices)`);
ne::Int64, # The number of edges of the Layer
null_graph::AbstractGraph{T}, # The Layer's underlying graph type, which must be passed as a null graph. If it is not, an error will be thrown.
weighttype::Type{U}; # The type of the `MultilayerEdge` weights (even when the underlying Layer's graph is unweighted, we need to specify a weight type since the `MultilayerGraph`s will always be weighted)
default_vertex_metadata::Function = mv -> NamedTuple(), # Function that takes a `MultilayerVertex` and returns a `Tuple` or a `NamedTuple` containing the vertex metadata. Defaults to `mv -> NamedTuple()`;
default_edge_weight::Function = (src, dst) -> nothing, # Function that takes a pair of `MultilayerVertex`s and returns an edge weight of type `weighttype` or `nothing` (which is compatible with unweighted underlying graphs and corresponds to `one(weighttype)` for weighted underlying graphs). Defaults to `(src, dst) -> nothing`;
default_edge_metadata::Function = (src, dst) -> NamedTuple(), # Function that takes a pair of `MultilayerVertex`s and returns a `Tuple` or a `NamedTuple` containing the edge metadata, that will be called when `add_edge!(mg,src,dst, args...; kwargs...)` is called without the `metadata` keyword argument, and when generating the edges in this constructor. Defaults to `(src, dst) -> NamedTuple()`;
allow_self_loops::Bool = false # whether to allow self loops to be generated or not. Defaults to `false`.
) where {T<:Integer, U<: Real}
A Layer
is considered "weighted" if its underlying graph (null_graph
argument) has been given the IsWeighted
trait (traits throughout this package are implemented via SimpleTraits.jl, just like Graphs.jl does). Since one may at any moment add a new weighted Layer
to a MultilayerGraph
(see below for details), the latter is always considered a "weighted graph", so it is given the IsWeighted
trait. Thus, all Layer
s and Interlayer
s (collectively named "subgraphs" hereafter) must specify their weighttype
as the last argument of their constructor, so the user may debug their weight matrices (weights(subgraph::AbstractSubGraph)
) immediately after construction. As better specified below, all subgraphs that are meant to be part of the same MultilayerGraph
must have the same weighttype
. Moreover, also the vertex type T
(i.e. the internal representation of vertices) should be the same.
Before instantiating Layer
s, we define an utility function to ease randomisation:
# Utility function that returns a random number of vertices and edges each time it is called:
function rand_nv_ne_layer(min_vertices, max_vertices)
_nv = rand(min_vertices:max_vertices)
_ne = rand(1:(_nv*(_nv-1)) Γ· 2 )
return (_nv,_ne)
# Utility function that returns two vertices of a Layer that are not adjacent.
function _get_srcmv_dstmv_layer(layer::Layer)
mvs = MultilayerGraphs.get_bare_mv.(collect(mv_vertices(layer)))
src_mv_idx = findfirst(mv -> !isempty(setdiff(
vcat(MultilayerGraphs.get_bare_mv.(mv_outneighbors(layer, mv)), mv)
)), mvs)
src_mv = mvs[src_mv_idx]
_collection = setdiff(
vcat(MultilayerGraphs.get_bare_mv.(mv_outneighbors(layer, src_mv)), src_mv)
dst_mv = MultilayerGraphs.get_bare_mv(rand(_collection))
return mvs, src_mv, dst_mv
We are now are ready to define some Layer
s. Every type of graph from the Graphs.jl ecosystem may underlie a Layer
(or an Interlayer
). We will construct a few of them, each time with a different number of vertices and edges.
# An unweighted simple layer:
_nv, _ne = rand_nv_ne_layer(min_vertices,max_vertices)
layer_sg = Layer( :layer_sg,
sample(nodes_list, _nv, replace = false),
# A weighted `Layer`
_nv, _ne = rand_nv_ne_layer(min_vertices,max_vertices)
layer_swg = Layer( :layer_swg,
sample(nodes_list, _nv, replace = false),
SimpleWeightedGraph{vertextype, _weighttype}(),
default_edge_weight = (src,dst) -> rand()
# A `Layer` with an underlying `MetaGraph`:
_nv, _ne = rand_nv_ne_layer(min_vertices,max_vertices)
layer_mg = Layer( :layer_mg,
sample(nodes_list, _nv, replace = false),
MetaGraph{vertextype, _weighttype}(),
default_edge_metadata = (src,dst) -> (from_to = "from_$(src)_to_$(dst)",)
# `Layer` with an underlying `ValGraph` from `SimpleValueGraphs.jl`
_nv, _ne = rand_nv_ne_layer(min_vertices,max_vertices)
layer_vg = Layer( :layer_vg,
sample(nodes_list, _nv, replace = false),
edgeval_types=(Float64, String, ),
edgeval_init=(s, d) -> (s+d, "hi"),
vertexval_init=v -> ("$v",),),
default_edge_metadata = (src,dst) -> (rand(), "from_$(src)_to_$(dst)",),
default_vertex_metadata = mv -> ("This metadata had been generated via the default_vertex_metadata method",)
# Collect all layers in an ordered list. Order will be recorded when instantiating the multilayer graph.
layers = [layer_sg, layer_swg, layer_mg, layer_vg]
The API that inspects and modifies Layer
s will be shown below together with that of Interlayer
s, since they are usually the same. There are of course other constructors that you may discover by reading the API. They include:
- Constructors that exempt the user from having to explicitly specify the
, at the cost of some flexibility; - Constructors that allow for a configuration model-like specifications.
Now we turn to defining Interlayer
s. Interlayers are the graphs containing all the edges between vertices is two distinct layers. As before, we need an utility to ease randomization:
# Utilities for Interlayer
## Utility function that returns two vertices of an Interlayer that are not adjacent.
function _get_srcmv_dstmv_interlayer(interlayer::Interlayer)
mvs = get_bare_mv.(collect(mv_vertices(interlayer)))
src_mv = nothing
_collection = []
while isempty(_collection)
src_mv = rand(mvs)
_collection = setdiff(Set(mvs), Set(vcat(get_bare_mv.(mv_outneighbors(interlayer, src_mv)), src_mv, get_bare_mv.(mv_vertices( eval(src_mv.layer) ))) ) )
dst_mv = get_bare_mv(rand(_collection))
return mvs, src_mv, dst_mv
## Utility function that returns a random number edges between its arguments `layer_1` and `layer_2`:
function rand_ne_interlayer(layer_1, layer_2)
nv_1 = nv(layer_1)
nv_2 = nv(layer_2)
_ne = rand(1: (nv_1 * nv_2 - 1) )
return _ne
An Interlayer
is constructed by passing its name, the two Layer
s it should connect, and the other parameters just like the Layer
's constructor. The random constructor reads:
layer_1::Layer{T,U}, # One of the two layers connected by the Interlayer
layer_2::Layer{T,U}, # One of the two layers connected by the Interlayer
ne::Int64, # The number of edges of the Interlayer
null_graph::G; # the Interlayer's underlying graph type, which must be passed as a null graph. If it is not, an error will be thrown.
default_edge_weight::Function = (x,y) -> nothing, # Function that takes a pair of `MultilayerVertex`s and returns an edge weight of type `weighttype` or `nothing` (which is compatible with unweighted underlying graphs and corresponds to `one(weighttype)` for weighted underlying graphs). Defaults to `(src, dst) -> nothing`;
default_edge_metadata::Function = (x,y) -> NamedTuple(), # Function that takes a pair of `MultilayerVertex`s and returns a `Tuple` or a `NamedTuple` containing the edge metadata, that will be called when `add_edge!(mg,src,dst, args...; kwargs...)` is called without the `metadata` keyword argument, and when generating the edges in this constructor. Defaults to `(src, dst) -> NamedTuple()`;
name::Symbol = Symbol("interlayer_$($("), # The name of the Interlayer. Defaults to Symbol("interlayer_(");
transfer_vertex_metadata::Bool = false # If true, vertex metadata found in both connected layers are carried over to the vertices of the Interlayer. NB: not all choice of underlying graph may support this feature. Graphs types that don't support metadata or that pose limitations to it may result in errors.;
We will build a few of random Interlayer
# Define the random undirected simple Interlayer
_ne = rand_ne_interlayer(layer_sg, layer_swg)
interlayer_sg_swg = Interlayer( layer_sg, # The first layer to be connected
layer_swg, # The second layer to be connected
_ne, # The number of edges to randomly generate
SimpleGraph{vertextype}(), # The underlying graph, passed as a null graph
interlayer_name = :random_interlayer # The name of the interlayer. We will be able to access it as a property of the multilayer graph via its name. This kwarg's default value is given by a combination of the two layers' names.
# Define a weighted `Interlayer`
_ne = rand_ne_interlayer(layer_swg, layer_mg)
interlayer_swg_mg = Interlayer( layer_swg,
SimpleWeightedGraph{vertextype, _weighttype}();
default_edge_weight = (x,y) -> rand() # Arguments follow the same rules as in Layer
# Define an `Interlayer` with an underlying `MetaGraph`
_ne = rand_ne_interlayer(layer_mg, layer_vg)
interlayer_mg_vg = Interlayer( layer_mg,
MetaGraph{vertextype, _weighttype}();
default_edge_metadata = (x,y) -> (mymetadata = rand(),),
transfer_vertex_metadata = true # This boolean kwarg controls whether vertex metadata found in both connected layers are carried over to the vertices of the Interlayer. NB: not all choice of underlying graph may support this feature. Graphs types that don't support metadata or that pose limitations to it may result in errors.
# Define an `Interlayer` with an underlying `ValGraph` from `SimpleValueGraphs.jl`, with diagonal couplings only:
interlayer_multiplex_sg_mg = multiplex_interlayer( layer_sg,
ValGraph(SimpleGraph{vertextype}(); edgeval_types=(from_to = String,), edgeval_init=(s, d) -> (from_to = "from_$(s)_to_$(d)"));
default_edge_metadata = (x,y) -> (from_to = "from_$(src)_to_$(dst)",)
# Finally, An `Interlayer` with no couplings (an "empty" interlayer):
interlayer_empty_sg_vg = empty_interlayer( layer_sg,
# Collect all interlayers. Even though the list is ordered, order will not matter when instantiating the multilayer graph.
interlayers = [interlayer_sg_swg, interlayer_swg_mg, interlayer_mg_vg, interlayer_multiplex_sg_mg, interlayer_empty_sg_vg]
There are of course other constructors that you may discover by reading the API. They include constructors that exempt the user from having to explicitly specify the null_graph
, at the cost of some flexibility;
Next, we explore the API associated to modify and analyze Layer
s and Interlayer
Subgraphs API
API for Layer
s and Interlayer
s (collectively, "subgraphs") are very similar, so we will just show them for the Layer
case, pointing out differences to the Interlayer
scenario whenever they occur.
Subgraphs extend the Graphs.jl's interface, so one may expect every method from Graphs.jl to apply. Anyway, the output and signature is slightly different and thus worth pointing out below.
One may retrieve the Node
s that a Layer
represents via:
layer_sg_nodes = nodes(layer_sg)
6-element Vector{Node}:
The same would be for Interlayer
s. In this case, the union of the set of nodes represented by the two layers the interlayer connects is returned:
interlayer_sg_swg_nodes = nodes(interlayer_sg_swg)
7-element Vector{Node}:
One may check for the existence of a node within a layer (or interlayer) via:
has_node(layer_sg, layer_sg_nodes[1])
One may retrieve the MultilayerVertex
s of a layer by calling:
layer_sg_vertices = mv_vertices(layer_sg)
6-element Vector{MultilayerVertex{:layer_sg}}:
MV(Node("node_2"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_3"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_7"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
While vertices with metadata would look like:
6-element Vector{MultilayerVertex{:layer_mg}}:
MV(Node("node_7"), :layer_mg, (var"1" = "I'm node node_7",))
MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_mg, (var"1" = "I'm node node_6",))
MV(Node("node_2"), :layer_mg, (var"1" = "I'm node node_2",))
MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_mg, (var"1" = "I'm node node_4",))
MV(Node("node_1"), :layer_mg, (var"1" = "I'm node node_1",))
MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_mg, (var"1" = "I'm node node_5",))
The vertices of an interlayer are the union of the sets of vertices of the two layers it connects:
interlayer_sg_swg_vertices = mv_vertices(interlayer_sg_swg)
11-element Vector{MultilayerVertex}:
MV(Node("node_2"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_3"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_7"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_1"), :layer_swg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_swg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_swg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_2"), :layer_swg, NamedTuple())
MV(Node("node_3"), :layer_swg, NamedTuple())
The vertices(subgraph::AbstractSubGraph)
command would return an internal representation of the MultilayerVertex
s (that of type vertextype
). This method, together with others, serves to make MultilayerGraphs.jl
compatible with the Graphs.jl ecosystem, but it is not meant to be called by the end user. It is, anyway, thought to be used by developers who wish to interface their packages with MultilayerGraphs.jl
just as with other packages of the Graphs.jl
ecosystem: as said above, a developer-oriented guide will be compiled if there is the need, although docstrings are already completed.
To add a vertex, simply use add_vertex!
. Let us define a vertex with metadata to add. Since nodes may not be represented more than once in layers, we have to define a new node too:
new_node = Node("missing_node")
new_metadata = (meta = "my_metadata",)
new_vertex = MV(new_node, new_metadata)
MV(Node("missing_node"), :nothing, (meta = "my_metadata",))
Of course, to be able to add a vertex with metadata to a layer, one must make sure that the underlying graph supports vertex-level metadata. Should one try to add a vertex with metadata different from an empty NamedTuple
(i.e. no metadata) to a layer whose underlying graph does not support metadata, a warning is issued and the metadata are discarded.
Thus, if we consider a layer whose underlying graph is a MetaGraph
, the following three syntaxes would be equivalent.
- The standard interface:
add_vertex!(layer_mg, new_vertex)
- The uniform interface. This signature has one keyword argument,
add_vertex!(layer_mg, new_node, metadata = new_metadata)
The transparent interface. After you pass to
and theNode
you wish to add, you may pass the sameargs
that you would pass to theadd_vertex!
dispatch that acts on the underlying graph (after the graph argument). This is a way to let the user directly exploit the API of the underlying graph package, which could be useful for two reasons:- They may be more convenient;
- They should work even if we are not able to integrate the standard and the uniform interface with a particular
's extension.
Here is an example on how to use it:
add_vertex!(layer_mg, new_node, Dict(pairs(new_metadata)))
where Dict(pairs(new_metadata))
is exactly what you would pass to the add_vertex!
method that acts on MetaGraphs
metagraph = MetaGraph()
add_vertex!(metagraph, Dict(pairs(new_metadata))) # true
If an underlying graph has an add_vertex!
interface whose signature overlaps with that of the uniform interface, the uniform interface will be prevail.
If, using the transparent interface, one does not specify any metadata
, the default_vertex_metadata
function passed to the Layer
's constructor is called to provide metadata
to the vertex (type ?Layer
in the REPL for more information).
To remove the vertex, simply do:
rem_vertex!(layer_sg, new_vertex) # Returns true if succeeds
To extract metadata:
get_metadata(layer_mg, MV(new_node))
By design, one may not add nor remove vertices to Interlayer
The edge type for multilayer graphs (and thus for this subgraphs) is MultilayerEdge
, which has a type parameter corresponding to the chosen weight type:
The MultilayerEdge
s of an unweighted simple layer are:
9-element Vector{MultilayerEdge{Float64}}:
ME(MV(Node("node_2"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_2"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_2"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_3"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_3"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
ME(MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_7"), :layer_sg, NamedTuple()), weight = 1.0, metadata = NamedTuple())
Where ME
is a shorthand for MultilayerEdge
. Besides the two vertices connected, each MultilayerEdge
carries the information about its weight
and metadata
. For unweighted subgraphs, the weight is just one(weighttype)
and for non-meta subgraphs the metadata are an empty NamedTuple
s. See ?MultilayerEdge
for additional information, or refer to the Edges to discover more methods related to MultilayerEdges
The add_edge
function has the standard, uniform and transparent interfaces too. To understand how they work, let's define a weighted edge:
# Define a weighted edge for the layer_swg
## Define the weight
_weight = rand()
## Select two non-adjacent vertices in layer_swg
_, src_w, dst_w = _get_srcmv_dstmv_layer(layer_swg)
## Construct a weighted MultilayerEdge
me_w = ME(src_w, dst_w, _weight) # ME is an alias for MultilayerEdge
ME(MV(Node("node_4"), :layer_swg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_1"), :layer_swg, NamedTuple()), weight = 0.6369546116248217, metadata = NamedTuple())
Of course, to be able to add a weighted edge to a subgraph, one must make sure that the underlying graph supports edge weights. Should one try to add a weight different from one(weighttype)
or nothing
to an edge of a subgraph whose underlying graph does not support edge weights, a warning is issued and the weight is discarded.
Thus, if we consider a layer whose underlying graph is a SimpleWeightedGraph
, the following three syntaxes would be equivalent.
- The standard interface:
add_edge!(layer_swg, me_w)
- The uniform interface. This signature has two keyword arguments,
that could be used exclusively (if, respectively, the underlying graph is weighted or supports edge-level metadata) or in combination (if the underlying graph supports both edge weights and edge-level metadata):
add_edge!(layer_swg, src_w, dst_w, weight = _weight)
- The transparent interface. After you pass to
and the two vertices you wish to connect, you may pass the sameargs
that you would pass to theadd_edge!
dispatch that acts on the underlying graph (after the graph and vertices arguments). This is done for the same reasons explained above. Here is an example on how to use it:
add_edge!(layer_swg, src_w, dst_w, _weight)
where _weight
is exactly what you would pass to the add_edge!
method that acts on SimpleWeightedGraph
simpleweightedgraph = SimpleWeightedGraph(SimpleGraph(5, 0))
add_edge!(simpleweightedgraph, 1, 2, _weight)
If an underlying graph has an add_edge!
interface whose signature overlaps with that of the uniform interface, the uniform interface will prevail.
If, using the transparent interface, one does not specify any weight
or (inclusively) metadata
keyword argument, the default_edge_weight
or (inclusively) the default_edge_metadata
function passed to the subgraph's constructor will be called to provide weight
or metadata
to the edge (type ?Layer
in the REPL for more information).
To remove the edge, simply do:
rem_edge!(layer_swg, src_w, dst_w) # Returns true if succeeds
To extract weight:
get_weight(layer_swg, src_w, dst_w)
For an edge with metadata, it would be analogous. Let's define an edge with metadata:
# Define an edge with metadata for the layer_mg
## Define the metadata
_metadata = (meta = "mymetadata",)
## Select two non-adjacent vertices in layer_mg
_, src_m, dst_m = _get_srcmv_dstmv_layer(layer_mg)
## Construct a MultilayerEdge with metadata
me_m = ME(src_m, dst_m, _metadata)
ME(MV(Node("node_6"), :layer_mg, NamedTuple()) --> MV(Node("node_5"), :layer_mg, NamedTuple()), weight = nothing, metadata = (meta = "mymetadata",))
Then the following three signatures would be equivalent:
- standard interface:
add_edge!(layer_mg, me_m)
- uniform interface:
add_edge!(layer_mg, src_m, dst_m, metadata = _metadata)
- transparent interface
add_edge!(layer_mg, src_m, dst_m, Dict(pairs(_metadata)))
To extract metadata:
get_metadata(layer_mg, src_m, dst_m)
For the layer_swg
, the following three signatures would be equivalent:
- standard interface:
add_edge!(layer_swg, me_w)
- uniform interface:
add_edge!(layer_swg, src_w, dst_w, weight = _weight)
- transparent interface
add_edge!(layer_swg, src_w, dst_w, _weight)
The uniform interface of add_edge!
works so that the user may specify the keyword weight
and/or the keyword metadata
. If an underlying subgraph has a transparent interface whose signature overlaps with that of the uniform interface, the uniform interface will be prevail.
The edge may be removed via
rem_edge!(layer_swg, src_w, dst_w)
A complete list of methods relating to subgraphs can be found here.
Multilayer Graphs
Given all the Layer
s and the Interlayer
s, let's instantiate a multilayer graph as follows:
multilayergraph = MultilayerGraph( layers, # The (ordered) list of layers the multilayer graph will have
interlayers; # The list of interlayers specified by the user. Note that the user does not need to specify all interlayers, as the unspecified ones will be automatically constructed using the indications given by the `default_interlayers_null_graph` and `default_interlayers_structure` keywords.
default_interlayers_null_graph = SimpleGraph{vertextype}(), # Sets the underlying graph for the interlayers that are to be automatically specified. Defaults to `SimpleGraph{T}()`, where `T` is the `T` of all the `layers` and `interlayers`. See the `Layer` constructors for more information.
default_interlayers_structure = "multiplex" # Sets the structure of the interlayers that are to be automatically specified. May be "multiplex" for diagonally coupled interlayers, or "empty" for empty interlayers (no edges). "multiplex". See the `Interlayer` constructors for more information.
`MultilayerGraph` with vertex type `Int64` and weight type `Float64`.
β layer_sg β SimpleGraph{Int64} β
β layer_swg β SimpleWeightedGraph{Int64, Float64} β
β layer_mg β MetaGraph{Int64, Float64} β
β layer_vg β ValGraph{Int64, Tuple{String}, Tuple{Float64, String}, Tuple{}, Tuple{Vector{String}}, Tuple{Vector{Vector{Float64}}, Vector{Vector{String}}}} β
β interlayer_layer_sg_layer_swg β layer_sg β layer_swg β SimpleGraph{Int64} β false β
β interlayer_layer_sg_layer_mg β layer_sg β layer_mg β ValGraph{Int64, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(:from_to,), Tuple{String}}, Tuple{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(:from_to,), Tuple{Vector{Vector{String}}}}} β false β
β interlayer_layer_swg_layer_mg β layer_swg β layer_mg β SimpleWeightedGraph{Int64, Float64} β false β
β interlayer_layer_sg_layer_vg β layer_sg β layer_vg β SimpleGraph{Int64} β false β
β interlayer_layer_vg_layer_swg β layer_vg β layer_swg β SimpleGraph{Int64} β false β
β interlayer_layer_mg_layer_vg β layer_mg β layer_vg β MetaGraph{Int64, Float64} β true β
Keep in mind that Multilayer(Di)Graph
only supports uniform and standard interface for both add_vertex!
and add_edge!
As already stated, a MultilayerGraph
is an object made of Layer
s and Interlayer
s whose collections of vertices each represents a subset of the set of nodes, here being the variable nodes
Adding a Node
to a MultilayerGraph
will enable its Layer
s (and thus its Interlayer
s) to represent it i.e. you will be able to add MultilayerVertex
s that represent that Node
to the multilayer graph.
Another constructor allows for a limited configuration model-like specification. It allows to generate a multilayer graph with a specific degree distribution. Since edges are created according to the provided distribution, it is necessary that the layers and interlayers specified are empty (i.e. they have no edges). Notice that layers and interlayers whose underlying graph is a SimpleWeighted(Di)Graph
may not be used until this PR is merged.
It is used as:
# The configuration model-like constructor will be responsible for creating the edges, so we need to provide it with empty layers and interlayers.
# To create empty layers and interlayers, we will empty the above subgraphs, and, for compatibility reasons, we'll remove the ones having a `SimpleWeightedGraph`s. These lines are not necessary to comprehend the tutorial, they may be skipped. Just know that the variables `empty_layers` and `empty_interlayers` are two lists of, respectively, empty layers and interlayers that do not have `SimpleWeightedGraph`s as their underlying graphs
empty_layers = deepcopy([layer for layer in layers if !(layer.graph isa SimpleWeightedGraphs.AbstractSimpleWeightedGraph)])
empty_layers_names = name.(empty_layers)
empty_interlayers = deepcopy([interlayer for interlayer in interlayers if all(in.(interlayer.layers_names, Ref(empty_layers_names))) && !(interlayer.graph isa SimpleWeightedGraphs.AbstractSimpleWeightedGraph) ])
for layer in empty_layers
for edge in edges(layer)
rem_edge!(layer, edge)
for interlayer in empty_interlayers
for edge in edges(interlayer)
rem_edge!(interlayer, edge)
# Construct a multilayer graph that has a normal degree distribution. The support of the distribution must be positive, since negative degrees are not possible
configuration_multilayergraph = MultilayerGraph(empty_layers, empty_interlayers, truncated(Normal(10), 0.0, 20.0));
Note that this is not an implementation of a fully-fledged configuration model, which would require to be able to specify a degree distribution for every dimension of multiplexity. Moreover, it still lacks the ability to specify a minimum discrepancy (w.r.t. a yet-to-be-chosen metric) between the empirical distributions of the sampled sequence and the provided theoretical distribution. Please refer to Future Developments.
There is a similar constructor for MultilayerDiGraph
which requires both the indegree distribution and the outdegree distribution. Anyway due to current performance limitations in the graph realization algorithms, it is suggested to provide two "similar" distributions (similar mean or location parameter, similar variance or shape parameter), in order not to incur in lengthy computational times.
You may add a node via add_node
new_node = Node("new_node")
add_node!(multilayergraph, new_node) # Return true if succeeds
Now one may add vertices that represent that node, e.g.:
new_vertex = MV(new_node, :layer_sg)
add_vertex!(multilayergraph, new_vertex)
And remove the node via rem_node!
rem_node!(multilayergraph, new_node) # Return true if succeeds
Modifying edge weight and metadata and vertex metadata
One may modify the weight of the edge of a multilayer graph via the set_weight!
function. The call will succeed only if the edge that is acted upon exists and belongs to a weighted subgraph:
# This will succeed
random_weighted_edge = rand(collect(edges(multilayergraph.layer_swg)))
set_weight!(multilayergraph, src(random_weighted_edge), dst(random_weighted_edge), rand())
# This will not succeed
random_unweighted_edge = rand(collect(edges(multilayergraph.layer_sg)))
set_weight!(multilayergraph, src(random_unweighted_edge), dst(random_unweighted_edge), rand())
Equivalent arguments can be made for set_metadata!
(both vertex and edge dispatches).
Adding, Removing, Modifying and Accessing layers and interlayers
One may of course add layers on the fly:
# Instantiate a new Layer
_nv, _ne = rand_nv_ne_layer(min_vertices,max_vertices)
new_layer = Layer( :new_layer,
sample(nodes_list, _nv, replace = false),
# Add the Layer
multilayergraph, # the `Multilayer(Di)Graph` which the new layer will be added to;
new_layer; # the new `Layer` to add to the `multilayergraph`
default_interlayers_null_graph = SimpleGraph{vertextype}(), # upon addition of a new `Layer`, all the `Interlayer`s between the new and the existing `Layer`s are immediately created. This keyword argument specifies their `null_graph` See the `Layer` constructor for more information. Defaults to `SimpleGraph{T}()`
default_interlayers_structure = "empty" # The structure of the `Interlayer`s created by default. May either be "multiplex" to have diagonally-coupled only interlayers, or "empty" for empty interlayers. Defaults to "multiplex".
# Check that the new layer now exists within the multilayer graph
has_layer(multilayergraph, :new_layer)
The add_layer!
function will automatically instantiate all the Interlayer
s between the newly added Layer
and the Layer
s already present in the multilayer graph, according to its kwargs default_interlayers_null_graph
and default_interlayers_structure
If you wish to manually specify an interlayer, just do:
# Instantiate a new Interlayer. Notice that its name will be given by default as
_ne = rand_ne_interlayer(layer_sg, new_layer)
new_interlayer = Interlayer( layer_sg,
interlayer_name = :new_interlayer
# Modify an existing interlayer with the latter i.e. specify the latter interlayer:
specify_interlayer!( multilayergraph,
# Now the interlayer between `layer_sg` and `new_layer` is `new_interlayer`
Suppose that, after some modifications of multilayergraph
, you would like to inspect a particular slice (or subgraph) of it (i.e. a Layer
or an Interlayer
). You may use both layers and interlayers names as properties of the multilayer graph itself.
# Get a layer by name
Layer new_layer
underlying_graph: SimpleGraph{Int64}
vertex type: Int64
weight type: Float64
nv = 7
ne = 11
# Get an Interlayer by name
Interlayer new_interlayer
layer_1: layer_sg
layer_2: new_layer
underlying graph: SimpleGraph{Int64}
vertex type : Int64
weight type : Float64
nv : 14
ne : 46
s may also be accessed by remembering the names of the Layer
s they connect:
# Get an Interlayer from the names of the two layers that it connects
get_interlayer(multilayergraph, :new_layer, :layer_sg )
Interlayer new_interlayer_rev
layer_1: new_layer
layer_2: layer_sg
underlying graph: SimpleGraph{Int64}
vertex type : Int64
weight type : Float64
nv : 14
ne : 46
NB: Although the interlayer from an arbitrary layer_1
to layer_2
is the same mathematical object as the interlayer from layer_2
to layer_1
, their representations as Interlayer
s differ in the internals, and most notably in the order of the vertices. The Interlayer
from layer_1
to layer_2
orders its vertices so that the MultilayerVertex
s of layer_1
(in the order they were in layer_1
when the Interlayer
was instantiated) come before the MultilayerVertex
s of layer_2
(in the order they were in layer_2
when the Interlayer
was instantiated).
When calling get_interlayer(multilayergraph, :layer_1, :layer_2)
it is returned the Interlayer
from layer_1
to layer_2
. If the Interlayer from layer_2
to layer_1
was manually specified or automatically generated during the instantiation of the multilayer graph with name, say, "some_interlayer"
, then the returned Interlayer
will be named "some_interlayer_rev"
To remove a layer:
# Remove the layer. This will also remove all the interlayers associated to it.
rem_layer!( multilayergraph,
remove_nodes = false # Whether to also remove all nodes represented in the to-be-removed layer from the multilayer graph
Visit the multilayer graph subsection of the edn-user APIs to discover more useful methods.
Weight/Adjacency Tensor, Metadata Tensor and Supra Weight/Adjacency Matrix
One may extract the weight tensor of a multilayergraph
wgt = weight_tensor(multilayergraph)
WeightTensor{Float64}([0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 1.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 1.0 1.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 β¦ 1.0 0.0;;; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;;; 0.0 1.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 1.0 1.0 β¦ 0.0 1.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.9828581516714545 β¦ 0.0 0.7736606234481569; 0.9828581516714545 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.7736606234481569 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 0.19989407135094706 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.16650315003660054; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.6643136923736794 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.40879510776523964 0.7458197468092816 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 1.0;;;; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 0.19989407135094706 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.40879510776523964; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.6643136923736794 0.7458197468092816; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.16650315003660054 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 1.0;;;; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0;;; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 1.0;;; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 1.0;;; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 0.0; β¦ ; 1.0 0.0 β¦ 0.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0 β¦ 1.0 0.0], [:layer_sg, :layer_swg, :layer_mg, :layer_vg], Bijection{Int64,Node} (with 7 pairs))
Note that wgt
is an object of type WeightTensor
. You may access its array representation using:
Also, you may index it using MultilayerVertex
# Get two random vertices from the MultilayerGraph
mv1, mv2 = rand(mv_vertices(multilayergraph), 2)
# Get the strength of the edge between them (0 for no edge):
wgt[mv1, mv2]
Similarly, there is a MetadataTensor
, that may be created via metadata_tensor(multilayergraph)
The package also exports a SupraWeightMatrix
which is a supra (weighted) adjacency matrix with the same indexing functionality as above. You may instantiate it via supra_weight_matrix(multilayergraph)
Special applications may not require all the representational generality enabled by Multilayer(Di)Graph
s, and, on the contrary, could benefit from the simpler interface and higher performance that come with restricted subtypes of multilayer graphs (e.g. multiplex graphs, edge-colored graph, etc).
MultilayerGraphs.jl, via an approach that combines type-hierarchy with traits, allows for implementing custom multilayer graphs (similar to what Graphs.jl does). This feature has been initially proven with the implementation of NodeAlignedEdgeColoredGraph
and NodeAlignedEdgeColoredDiGraph
, which aim at representing edge-colored graphs by naturally mapping them to multilayer graphs.
The sub-ecosystem capability is still under construction, see Systematize the sub-ecosytem feature.
Multilayer-specific analytical tools
Read a complete list of analytical methods exclusive to multilayer graphs in the dedicated API section (here "exclusive" means that wither those methods do not exists for standard graphs, or that they had to be reimplemented and so may present some caveats). Refer to their docstrings for more information.
Compatibility with Agents.jl
s may be used as an argument to GraphSpace
in Agents.jl. A complete compatibility example may be found in this test.
Future Developments
All the information regarding the future developments of MultilayerGraphs.jl can be found in the issues.
π How to Contribute
The ongoing development of this package would greatly benefit from the valuable feedback of the esteemed members of the JuliaGraph community, as well as from graph theorists, network scientists, and any users who may have general questions or suggestions.
We therefore encourage you to participate in discussions, raise issues, or submit pull requests. Your contributions are most welcome!
π How to Cite
If you utilize this package in your project, please consider citing this repository using the citation information provided in CITATION.bib
This will help to give appropriate credit to the contributors and support the continued development of the package.
π’ Announcements
MultilayerGraphs.jl (v0.1) and its features were announced on the following platforms:
MultilayerGraphs.jl (v1.1) and its features were announced on the following platforms:
πΉ Talks
18th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for Web Graphs
- When: 2023/05/23 - 2023/05/26
- Where: The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
- Who: Pietro Monticone and Claudio Moroni
- What: "Multilayer Network Science in Julia with
" (Website, Slides, Video)
JuliaCon 2023
- When: 2023/07/25 - 2023/07/29
- Where: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Who: Pietro Monticone and Claudio Moroni
- What: "
: Multilayer Network Science in Julia" (Website, Short Presentation, Long Presentation, Video)
π¦ Related Packages
Here is a list of software packages for the creation, manipulation, analysis and visualisation of multilayer graphs implemented in the R language:
implements functions to perform multilayer correlation analysis, multilayer centrality analysis, multilayer community structure detection, multilayer structural reducibility, multilayer motifs analysis and utilities to statically and dynamically visualise multilayer graphs;multinet
implements functions to import, export, create and manipulate multilayer graphs, several state-of-the-art multiplex graph analysis algorithms for centrality measures, layer comparison, community detection and visualization;mully
implements functions to import, export, create, manipulate and merge multilayer graphs and utilities to visualise multilayer graphs in 2D and 3D;multinets
implements functions to import, export, create, manipulate multilayer graphs and utilities to visualise multilayer graphs.
Here is a list of software packages for the creation, manipulation, analysis and visualisation of multilayer graphs implemented in the Python language:
implements methods to create undirected networks with weighted or unweighted links, to analyse the spectral properties of adjacency or Laplacian matrices and to visualise multilayer graphs and dynamical processes by coloring the nodes and links accordingly;PyMNet
implements data structures for multilayer graphs and multiplex graphs, methods to import, export, create, manipulate multilayer graphs and for the rule-based generation and lazy-evaluation of coupling edges and utilities to visualise multilayer graphs.
At the best of our knowledge there are currently no software packages dedicated to the creation, manipulation and analysis of multilayer graphs implemented in the Julia language apart from MultilayerGraphs.jl itself.
π References
- De Domenico et al. (2013) Mathematical Formulation of Multilayer Networks. Physical Review X;
- KivelΓ€ et al. (2014) Multilayer networks. Journal of Complex Networks;
- Boccaletti et al. (2014) The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks. Physics Reports;
- Lee et al. (2015) Towards real-world complexity: an introduction to multiplex networks. The European Physical Journal B;
- Bianconi (2018) Multilayer Networks: Structure and Function. Oxford University Press;
- Cozzo et al. (2018) Multiplex Networks: Basic Formalism and Structural Properties. SpringerBriefs in Complexity;
- Aleta and Moreno (2019) Multilayer Networks in a Nutshell. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics;
- Artime et al. (2022) Multilayer Network Science: From Cells to Societies. Cambridge University Press;
- De Domenico (2022) Multilayer Networks: Analysis and Visualization. Springer Cham.
- De Domenico (2023) More is different in real-world multilayer networks. Nature Physics
- 1De Domenico et al. (2013); KivelΓ€ et al. (2014); Boccaletti et al. (2014); Lee et al. (2015); Aleta and Moreno (2019); Bianconi (2018); Cozzo et al. (2018); Artime et al. (2022); De Domenico (2022).
- 2Cozzo et al. (2013); Granell et al. (2013); Massaro and Bagnoli (2014); Estrada and Gomez-Gardenes (2014); Azimi-Tafreshi (2016); Baggio et al. (2016); DeDomenico et al. (2016); Amato et al. (2017); DeDomenico (2017); Pilosof et al. (2017); de Arruda et al. (2017); Gosak et al. (2018); Soriano-Panos et al. (2018); Timteo et al. (2018); BuldΓΊ et al. (2018); Lim et al. (2019); Mangioni et al. (2020); Aleta et al. (2020); Aleta et al. (2022)).