
GNNLux.jl provides common graph convolutional layers by which you can assemble arbitrarily deep or complex models. GNN layers are compatible with Lux.jl ones, therefore expert Lux users are promptly able to define and train their models.

In what follows, we discuss two different styles for model creation: the explicit modeling style, more verbose but more flexible, and the implicit modeling style based on GNNLux.GNNChain, more concise but less flexible.

Explicit modeling

In the explicit modeling style, the model is created according to the following steps:

  1. Define a new type for your model (GNN in the example below). Refer to the

Lux Manual for the definition of the type.

  1. Define a convenience constructor for your model.
  2. Define the forward pass by implementing the call method for your type.
  3. Instantiate the model.

Here is an example of this construction:

using Lux, GNNLux
using Zygote
using Random, Statistics

struct GNN <: AbstractLuxContainerLayer{(:conv1, :bn, :conv2, :dropout, :dense)} # step 1

function GNN(din::Int, d::Int, dout::Int) # step 2
    GNN(GraphConv(din => d),
        GraphConv(d => d, relu),
        Dense(d, dout))

function (model::GNN)(g::GNNGraph, x, ps, st) # step 3
    x, st_conv1 = model.conv1(g, x, ps.conv1, st.conv1)
    x, st_bn =,,
    x = relu.(x)
    x, st_conv2 = model.conv2(g, x, ps.conv2, st.conv2)
    x, st_drop = model.dropout(x, ps.dropout, st.dropout)
    x, st_dense = model.dense(x, ps.dense, st.dense)
    return x, (conv1=st_conv1, bn=st_bn, conv2=st_conv2, dropout=st_drop, dense=st_dense)

din, d, dout = 3, 4, 2 
model = GNN(din, d, dout)                 # step 4
rng = Random.default_rng()
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model)
g = rand_graph(rng, 10, 30)
X = randn(Float32, din, 10) 

st = Lux.testmode(st)
y, st = model(g, X, ps, st) 
st = Lux.trainmode(st)
grad = Zygote.gradient(ps -> mean(model(g, X, ps, st)[1]), ps)[1]

Implicit modeling with GNNChains

While very flexible, the way in which we defined GNN model definition in last section is a bit verbose. In order to simplify things, we provide the GNNLux.GNNChain type. It is very similar to Lux's well known Chain. It allows to compose layers in a sequential fashion as Chain does, propagating the output of each layer to the next one. In addition, GNNChain propagates the input graph as well, providing it as a first argument to layers subtyping the GNNLux.GNNLayer abstract type.

Using GNNChain, the model definition becomes more concise:

model = GNNChain(GraphConv(din => d),
                 x -> relu.(x),
                 GraphConv(d => d, relu),
                 Dense(d, dout))

The GNNChain only propagates the graph and the node features. More complex scenarios, e.g. when also edge features are updated, have to be handled using the explicit definition of the forward pass.