Basic Layers

abstract type GNNLayer <: AbstractLuxLayer end

An abstract type from which graph neural network layers are derived. It is derived from Lux's AbstractLuxLayer type.

See also GNNLux.GNNChain.

GNNChain(name = layer, ...)

Collects multiple layers / functions to be called in sequence on given input graph and input node features.

It allows to compose layers in a sequential fashion as Lux.Chain does, propagating the output of each layer to the next one. In addition, GNNChain handles the input graph as well, providing it as a first argument only to layers subtyping the GNNLayer abstract type.

GNNChain supports indexing and slicing, m[2] or m[1:end-1], and if names are given, m[:name] == m[1] etc.


julia> using Lux, GNNLux, Random

julia> rng = Random.default_rng();

julia> m = GNNChain(GCNConv(2=>5), 
                    x -> relu.(x), 

julia> x = randn(rng, Float32, 2, 3);

julia> g = rand_graph(rng, 3, 6)
  num_nodes: 3
  num_edges: 6

julia> ps, st = LuxCore.setup(rng, m);

julia> m(g, x, ps, st)     # First entry is the output, second entry is the state of the model
(Float32[-0.15594329 -0.15594329 -0.15594329; 0.93431795 0.93431795 0.93431795; 0.27568763 0.27568763 0.27568763; 0.12568939 0.12568939 0.12568939], (layer_1 = NamedTuple(), layer_2 = NamedTuple(), layer_3 = NamedTuple()))