GraphNeuralNetworks.jl is a graph neural network package based on the deep learning framework Flux.jl.
It provides a set of stateful graph convolutional layers and utilities to build graph neural networks.
Among its features:
- Implements common graph convolutional layers.
- Supports computations on batched graphs.
- Easy to define custom layers.
- CUDA support.
- Integration with Graphs.jl.
- Examples of node, edge, and graph level machine learning tasks.
- Heterogeneous and temporal graphs.
Package overview
Let's give a brief overview of the package by solving a graph regression problem with synthetic data.
Usage examples on real datasets can be found in the examples folder.
Data preparation
We create a dataset consisting in multiple random graphs and associated data features.
using GraphNeuralNetworks, Flux, CUDA, Statistics, MLUtils
using Flux: DataLoader
all_graphs = GNNGraph[]
for _ in 1:1000
g = rand_graph(10, 40,
ndata=(; x = randn(Float32, 16,10)), # Input node features
gdata=(; y = randn(Float32))) # Regression target
push!(all_graphs, g)
Model building
We concisely define our model as a GraphNeuralNetworks.GNNChain
containing two graph convolutional layers. If CUDA is available, our model will live on the gpu.
device = CUDA.functional() ? Flux.gpu : Flux.cpu;
model = GNNChain(GCNConv(16 => 64),
BatchNorm(64), # Apply batch normalization on node features (nodes dimension is batch dimension)
x -> relu.(x),
GCNConv(64 => 64, relu),
GlobalPool(mean), # Aggregate node-wise features into graph-wise features
Dense(64, 1)) |> device
opt = Flux.setup(Adam(1f-4), model)
Finally, we use a standard Flux training pipeline to fit our dataset. We use Flux's DataLoader
to iterate over mini-batches of graphs that are glued together into a single GNNGraph
using the MLUtils.batch
method. This is what happens under the hood when creating a DataLoader
with the collate=true
train_graphs, test_graphs = MLUtils.splitobs(all_graphs, at=0.8)
train_loader = DataLoader(train_graphs,
batchsize=32, shuffle=true, collate=true)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_graphs,
batchsize=32, shuffle=false, collate=true)
loss(model, g::GNNGraph) = mean((vec(model(g, g.x)) - g.y).^2)
loss(model, loader) = mean(loss(model, g |> device) for g in loader)
for epoch in 1:100
for g in train_loader
g = g |> device
grad = gradient(model -> loss(model, g), model)
Flux.update!(opt, model, grad[1])
@info (; epoch, train_loss=loss(model, train_loader), test_loss=loss(model, test_loader))