This discourse post is an accurate summary (as of Spring 2023) of the graphs ecosystem. Below we list a few highlights.
More coming soon
These packages (and many others) import Graphs.jl to do cool things:
Agents.jl for agent-based simulation
BayesNets.jl for directed probabilistic graphical models
Braket.jl for quantum computing
Catalyst.jl for chemical reaction networks
CausalInference.jl for analysis of causal relations
Circuitscape.jl for ecological studies of movement
Cropbox.jl for crop growth
CrystalNets.jl for cristalline materials
GraphNeuralNetworks.jl for graph neural networks
ImageQuilting.jl for geology
JumpProcesses.jl for continuous-time processes with jumps
Manifolds.jl for analysis and optimization beyond Euclidean spaces
ModelingToolkit.jl for in scientific machine learning
PowerDynamics.jl for dynamical modeling of power grids
SparseDiffTools.jl for fast automatic differentiation
QuantEcon.jl for quantitative economics